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Who is Cris Gardner, the MBN Speaker Series “Speaker” for June 13th?

EB_CrisGardner-1Chris Holman had a chance to catch up with and find out; Who is Cris Gardner, the MBN Speaker Series “Speaker” for June 13th?

Chris had heard Cris speak at an event in Arizona several months ago, and believed her message would resonate with the business audience of Mid-Michigan. 

To hear Cris and Chris’s interview click the PodCast below! 


On Thursday, June 13th Cris will be speaking at the University Club of MSU starting at 11am! 


Outline preview of what she’ll cover in her June 13th talk. 

• AARP, who we are
• Futurecasting: what is it, why do it? Helps draw out business implications, frame strategic choice and determine how to play in the future.
• High Level Overview of forces that businesses should be paying special attention to:

Inside the Business
1. Longevity-5 generation workplace
2. Future of Work–artificial intelligence, keeping good people on, re-skilling
3. Liquid Organizations-shifting away from structured decision hierarchies to fluid networks of distributed authority

Customers and Partners
4. Data future-experience graph, categories of one, data as an asset (privacy, control)
5. Shifts in Trust-collaborative, granular, transparent
6. Platform Economics–distributed grids, blockchain (e.g. supply chain collaboration)
7. From CSR to expectations of deeper social good, social value

Broader Forces
8. 5G–ubiquitous media, edge computing
9. Transportation (automated vehicles, mobility as a service)
10. Climate Change


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