Updating Addresses Today Prevents Paperwork Headaches Tomorrow
LANSING, Mich. – Taxpayers are encouraged to check with current and previous employers and financial institutions to ensure they have up-to-date addresses on file in preparation for the 2023 income tax filing season, according to the Michigan Department of Treasury.
By ensuring employers and financial institutions have the latest address information on file, W-2s and other financial documents can be mailed to the correct address. Incorrect addresses typically lead to information being mailed to the wrong location and could cause delays when filing tax returns.
“Making sure your address is updated with current and past employers and financial institutions can help prevent paperwork headaches when you file your income taxes next year,” said Deputy State Treasurer Glenn White, who oversees Treasury’s Revenue Services programs. “When the individual income tax processing season opens at the beginning of next year, we will be ready to process your return. A few moments of your time today can make filing much easier tomorrow.”
Other notable items for Michigan’s 2023 individual income tax filing season (2022 tax year):
- Beginning in January 2023, forms and instructions may be viewed and downloaded from www.michigan.gov/taxes. In addition, commonly used forms will continue to be available at Treasury offices, public libraries, northern Michigan post offices and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services county offices.
- When tax season begins in late January, taxpayers are encouraged to e-file their state tax returns instead of mailing a paper return. To learn more, go to www.mifastfile.org.
- Taxpayers who have been recent victims of identity theft are asked to report their circumstances to the state Treasury Department. Reporting identity theft helps thwart cybercriminals who attempt to file returns and steal state tax refunds. To learn more about tax-related identity theft, go to www.michigan.gov/identitytheft.
For the 2022 filing season, the state Treasury Department processed more than 5.2 million 2021 tax year individual income tax returns, with a typical refund around $650. Most timely filed refunds for the 2021 tax year have been processed.
Although individual income tax return processing will be suspended until filing season begins early next year, taxpayers can continue to ask questions through Treasury eServices. The online platform enables taxpayers to ask state income tax-related questions when convenient.
To get started with Treasury eServices, go to www.michigan.gov/incometax and click on “Access eServices.”
To learn more about the state Treasury Department, go to Michigan.gov/Treasury or follow @MiTreasury on Twitter.