Advanced Strategies for Advanced Manufacturing
Learn how to leverage advanced technologies and processes that will propel your company into the next phase of growth. The Manufacturing Leadership Summit 2021 will bring together thought leaders from a range of backgrounds to connect over new ideas and gain insights to drive innovation and growth. Topics include:
About The Right Place, Inc.
The Right Place, Inc., is a regional nonprofit founded in 1985 and supported through investments from the private and public sector. The Right Place drives current and long-term economic prosperity in West Michigan through the development and implementation of comprehensive strategies to retain, expand, and attract businesses. This includes connecting area businesses to national and international resources, identifying emerging growth opportunities, strengthening the competitiveness of area firms, and marketing the region globally. The International Economic Development Council has designated The Right Place as an Accredited Economic Development Organization (AEDO). Find out more by visiting, liking us on, and following us on twitter @TheRightPlaceGR
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