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State Land Bank Authority and REDICO Join Forces


to Revitalize Detroit House of Corrections Site

Plymouth Township, MI – The Michigan State Land Bank Authority (SLBA) is proud to announce an innovative partnership with REDICO aimed at revitalizing and rejuvenating a historic site in Metro Detroit – the former Detroit House of Corrections (DeHoCo). This collaboration marks a major stride in the redevelopment of a historically significant location.

“This exciting collaboration showcases the transformative potential of land banking and how strategic partnerships can breathe new life into neglected spaces to catalyze positive change for communities across our state,” said Susan Corbin, Chair of the State Land Bank Authority Board and Director of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. “With this collaboration, we’re not just revitalizing a site, we’re reclaiming neglected spaces and transforming them into vibrant community centers.”

The 87.26-acre parcel, located just west of Beck Road on Five Mile Road, holds historical significance as the former DeHoCo prison, which operated from the 1930s until its demolition in 2017. Transferred to the Michigan State Land Bank Authority through legislative efforts led by Plymouth Township Supervisor Kurt Heise, the property has since awaited a transformative vision to benefit the community.

“This partnership exemplifies the power of public-private collaboration in revitalizing underutilized properties for the benefit of local communities,” said State Land Bank Authority Director Joseph Rivet. “We are proud to support projects that not only transform landscapes but also create sustainable economic opportunities.”

The State Land Bank and REDICO forged an agreement in 2018 to develop and clean up the environmentally challenged property and create a mixed-use project.

In June 2023, the State of Michigan approved $10 million for the Michigan International Technology Center (MITC) Five Mile Road Improvement Project. The project will result in the reconstruction and widening of Five Mile Road and the installation of new, modern traffic signals to ensure smooth traffic flow for the development. The addition of a Meijer store on the eastern 21 acres of the property will bring jobs and quality products to area residents. REDICO and Meijer will also conduct and fund more than $20 million in environmental remediation and site cleanup to the property.

Dale Watchowski, President and CEO of REDICO, expressed his enthusiasm for this new venture, stating, “We are excited for Meijer to be an anchor for our new 87-acre V-Tech project, a mixed-use development which will include amenities and commercial uses in the areas of high-tech industrial, R&D and life sciences.”

Additionally, Meijer plans to beautify the area with landscaping, greenspaces and bike and walking paths. Clean energy initiatives are planned and Meijer’s donation to the Plymouth Township’s Tree Fund will support the purchase of more than 700 trees.

A significant figure in the success of the project is Plymouth Township Supervisor, Kurt Heise. As State Representative for Plymouth and Northville Townships from 2010 to 2016, Heise authored the needed Public Acts to transfer ownership of the prison properties from the Department of Corrections to the Michigan Land Bank, and the appropriation of $2 million to tear down the former Detroit House of Corrections Prison, built in the 1930s. 

“As one who has been working on this project for 14 years, I’m gratified to see the REDICO and Meijer will clean up a long-contaminated and neglected site, create jobs, and improve our tax base. I look forward to having Meijer as a community partner and resource for years to come,” said Kurt Heise.

Learn more about the State Land Bank Authority’s works to create a positive economic impact on Michigan communities by facilitating productive reuse of land at



REDICO is a full-service real estate development and investment firm headquartered in Southfield, Michigan. With over 50 years of experience, REDICO specializes in commercial, mixed-use and multifamily real estate development, as well as property management and leasing services. The company is committed to creating vibrant, sustainable communities that enhance the quality of life for residents and businesses alike.

State Land Bank Authority works to create a positive economic impact on Michigan communities by facilitating productive reuse of land. They work in a coordinated manner to foster the development of property to promote and support land bank operations at the county and local levels. 

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