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Sixth Peters Standalone Bill Signed Into Law Under President Trump


Peters Has Had More Standalone Bills Signed into Law Under President Trump Than Any Other Senate Democrat

WASHINGTON, DC – President Trump last night signed U.S. Senator Gary Peters’ bipartisan PROSWIFT Act into law, marking the sixth standalone Peters bill that Trump has signed into law. Peters already had more of his bills signed by Trump than any other Senate Democrat, and this bill builds on that record of effectiveness and bipartisanship. Despite serving in his first term and in the minority, Peters also has: 

“I’m proud of my work to find common ground and get things done for Michigan,” said Senator Peters. “I take my job of representing Michigan very seriously, and that means working with both parties to pass legislation on issues important to our state’s families and small businesses.” 

Peters has worked across the aisle to pass legislation into law on priorities that are critical for Michigan, including: 

  • The Support for Veterans in Effective Apprenticeships Act of 2019introduced with Senator Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV), which will increase veterans’ access to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) financial assistance that they can use toward a Department of Labor registered apprenticeship program. The bipartisan measure was passed unanimously by the Senate in December 2019 and signed into law this past March. 
  • The Protecting America’s Food and Agriculture Act of 2019introduced with Senators Pat Roberts (R-KS), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and John Cornyn (R-TX), which will help address the shortage of agricultural inspectors who protect the nation’s food supply and agricultural industries at the border. The bipartisan legislation was passed by the Senate in October of 2019 and signed into law this past March. 
  • The Federal Personal Property Management Act of 2018, introduced with Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Doug Jones (D-AL) and James Lankford (R-OK), which streamlined the federal inventory review process to save taxpayer money by directing federal agencies to more frequently assess unneeded federal property and selling or disposing of that excess property. The assessment will include identifying the age and condition of the property and the extent to which the property is used or needed. This bill became law in January 2019. 
  • The Small Business Innovation Protection Act of 2017, introduced with Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) to help small businesses protect their intellectual property by improving education on obtaining and protecting patents via outreach programs run by SBA and the USPTO. Further, the bill will help businesses ensure they have international patents, as small businesses who do not register in foreign markets, such as China, receive no intellectual property protections. This will be accomplished by improving SBA/USPTO partnerships with small business and make Small Business Development Centers more effective. This bill became law in October 2018. 

Peters has been recognized as one of the most bipartisan and effective lawmakers in the Senate. This year, the non-partisan Lugar Center ranked him as the 3rd-most bipartisan Democrat and 12th-most bipartisan Senator. This follows Peters being named the 4th-most bipartisan Democrat by the Lugar Center last year and the 4th-most effective Democratic senator in the 115th Senate (2017-2018) by the non-partisan Center for Effective Lawmaking. This year, he also earned the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Jefferson-Hamilton Award for Bipartisanship. 


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