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PHOTOS: Governor Whitmer Visits Lowell Road Bridge over I-69 in Lansing


LANSING, Mich. — Yesterday, Governor Gretchen Whitmer traveled to the Lowell Road bridge over I-69 in Clinton County to discuss her Rebuilding Michigan plan, which is already in the process of fixing or repairing state highways and bridges that are critical to the state’s economy and carry the most traffic. The I-69 project is part of a $43.7 million Rebuilding Michigan investment that would rebuild I-69 from I-96 to Airport Road. 

“Rebuilding Michigan’s infrastructure has been a priority for my administration since day one, making our roads safer and economy stronger for small businesses,” said Governor Whitmer. “The Rebuilding Michigan plan allows us to fix the damn roads this construction season, without an increase at the gas pump. We need to keep moving forward by investing in our state’s infrastructure and generating good-paying jobs.”  

In January 2020, the State Transportation Commission (STC) authorized MDOT to issue $3.5 billion in bonds over four years to finance infrastructure improvements, under authority granted by the Michigan Constitution and Public Act 51 of 1951. Funding raised through bond sales will finance new projects throughout the state and frees up funding already dedicated to those projects for other projects, expanding the scope of that work or advancing project schedules.   

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