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Over $55,000 Economic Impact from Our Town Promotion

08.21.19 -- BayFutureDriveForward.

Over $55,000 Economic Impact from Consumers Energy Our Town Promotion

BAY, CITY, MICH.- The “Our Town” gift card promotion made possible by Consumers Energy, provided the opportunity to double the amount shoppers could spend across 63 communities in Michigan, including Bay County. In 2021 alone, the Our Town Promotion had over $55,000 direct impact on Bay County small businesses.

The intention of the program was to support small businesses that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through various operating restrictions and those experiencing less foot traffic due to rising case numbers. When community residents purchased a $25 gift card, they receive a free $25 gift card at no charge to them or the business thanks to the support of Consumers Energy. Businesses then received a check for the full amount of the gift cards as an injection of cash.

The program achieved its goal, selling out the first time, December 7, 2021, in 10 minutes. “We were overwhelmed and appreciative of the immediate success of the program and support provided to Bay County small businesses by community residents. We knew the program would sell out quickly, as it did in 2020, and we’re very grateful for that,” said Ryan Tarrant, President & CEO of the Bay Area Chamber ofCommerce.

Staff at the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and Bay Future, Inc. highlighted that there was no prior account set up that was needed to purchase gift cards and that the link published on their Facebook pages was the same link provided to all community residents. The massive interest from community members overwhelmed the platform.

“It’s a good problem to have when there are too many people trying to support local businesses. We appreciate that so many of our neighbors, colleagues, and community members had interest in doing so. We’re hopeful that those who weren’t able to purchase gift cards through this promotion still chose to spend their dollars locally this holiday shopping season. We know that there are small businesses who are still hurting and need our support,” said Trevor Keyes, President & CEO of Bay Future, Inc.

After the success of the program on December 7, Consumers Energy provided funding for a second ‘Our Town’ BOGO promotion, which was launched December 20, 2021, and sold out in less than one hour. This promotion was made available as an exclusive benefit for Bay Area Chamber of Commerce Members and Bay Future, Inc. Investors.

The Buy Local Buy BC gift card stimulus program in Bay County, was first launched in June of 2020, by two business-focused non-profits, Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, and Bay Future, Inc., by offering this additional value to community members.

Last year, the Consumers Energy “Our Town” promotion through the Buy Local Buy BC gift card stimulus program sold out in just minutes and played a major role in the success of the Buy Local Buy BC program. The Buy Local Buy BC Gift Card Stimulus Program had nearly $250,000 in direct impact on nearly 80 Bay County small businesses in 2020 in the retail, restaurant, and service industries. Total impact made by the program in the two years is just shy of $300,000.

According to the National Retail Federation, people spend between 15 and 40 percent more than the gift card denomination. Leading to a potential impact of over $400,000 on the small businesses in Bay County, Michigan.

“Buy Local Buy BC Bay County Small Business Gift Card”

“Consumers Energy ‘Our Town’ Promotion”

“State Representative Timmy Beson of the 96th House District and Madison Jarmon Community Affairs Manager of Consumers Energy deliver a check to MI Table”

“State Representative Timmy Beson of the 96th House District and Madison Jarmon Community Affairs Manager of Consumers Energy deliver a check to Tavern 101” 

“O’s Pub & Grill” 
The Bay Area Chamber is a private, nonprofit business organization with over 700 members. The
Chamber, founded in 1882, provides programs to assist local businesses to grow and prosper. Chamber policy and program development are guided by a 25-member volunteer Board of Directors and implemented by a professional staff. Numerous volunteer committees and task force opportunities exist for interested Chamber members. The Chamber is the premier business organization promoting community development through collaboration and leadership.

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