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Media Business | Pat Gillespie – How Media Deals with Commercial Real Estate & Development


Tony Conley is a newer content contributor and show host for Michigan Business Network. To kick off his thirty-sixth episode, Tony has a three-segment conversation about the reasons behind the recent fluctuation of gas prices at the pump, They’ve gone down they’re going up, WHY?

He welcomes Pat Gillespie, Founder, President, and chief visionary for Gillespie Group since its founding in 1994.

Listen to Patrick and Tony’s conversation by clicking on the PodCast playlist below!


Pat has been recognized both locally and nationally as a respected leader and innovative entrepreneur. Pat’s passionate and committed to his team, to collaboration and engaging businesses, and to organizations within the communities by which he develops,

Pat was recognized as the 2016 Lansing Entrepreneur of the Year and also selected as a finalist in Ernst & Youngs Entrepreneur of the year of Michigan and Northwest Ohio in 2020. Passionate about the growth of not only the organization but of the next generation of leadership,
Pat is frequently invited to speak at Michigan State University’s School of Planning, Design, and Construction; Land Policy Institute, and Building Construction Management.

This conversation discusses his career and projects and challenges in his industry.

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Thank you to Benjamin Robinson and Motor City Skyline’s music

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