Local women join together to take action to empower other women, assist families to build strength, stability, and independence and provide affordable home ownership in our community.
LANSING, MI (May 17, 2024) – Habitat for Humanity Capital Region has partnered with 16 local nonprofit women leaders to build a house that will provide future Habitat homeowner Carly and her five children consistency and a safe place to grow, play, and learn.
On Friday, the nonprofit partners participating in Women Build include leaders from Child and Family Charities, Ele’s Place, CASA for Kids, as well as many other local organizations who support Habitat Capital Region’s mission to build stronger, healthier communities.
“We’re so pleased to host a team of strong nonprofit leaders for our Women Build event. Their collective passion to serve others will make the perfect atmosphere for doing good and creating meaningful change,” said Habitat Capital Region CEO, Brent Taylor, talking about the legacy Women Build has created.
Interviews with the homebuyer, Habitat Capital Region staff, and the nonprofit leaders can be arranged.
Habitat houses aren’t free. Habitat homebuyers work alongside volunteers to build their homes, and they purchase their homes with affordable monthly mortgage payments. For more information about the Homeownership Program, visit habitatcr.org.
About Habitat for Humanity Capital Region
Habitat for Humanity Capital Region repairs, builds, and rehabs homes to sell to people in need of decent and affordable housing in Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties. Habitat for Humanity Capital Region is part of a global nonprofit housing organization that seeks to put God’s love into action by building strength, stability, self-reliance, and shelter. Habitat was founded on the conviction that everyone deserves a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. Habitat for Humanity Capital Region has served more than 2,000 households in the Capital Region. For more information, visit habitatcr.org.