Capital Area Michigan Works! MVP of the month of April 2020, is LEAP the Lansing Economic Area Partnership.
Jeffrey Mosher catches up with Bob Trezise, CEO of LEAP, primarily discussing key focuses for that organization during the COVID-19 crisis.
For more knowledge, news, and insights visit:
To hear Bob and Jeffrey’s full conversation please click on the embedded SoundCloud PodCast shared below!
In this discussion they cover:
Michigan Small Business Relief Program Grants and Loans
Why was it so important for LEAP to distribute these funds as quickly as possible?
What impact do you see the MSBRP program making in the region?
Local Small Business Funding
What new programs are you seeing become available?
How has LEAP be involved in helping local funds surface?
What are you seeing on the horizon in terms of local funding for small businesses?
MedTech Advisory Committee
What role is LEAP’s MedTech advisory committee taking in mobilizing the region’s
Medical and manufacturing industries to combat the novel coronavirus crisis?
What are some of the things this group is actively working on?
How do you see this advisory committee evolving through the crisis and into the future?{{cta(‘3aee5f9b-f8fa-4fef-b846-f33200dd7b89’)}}