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Have You Heard of the Corporate Transparency Act? Find out Tomorrow – MBN Speakers Series

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Michigan Business Network found out about The Corporate Transparency Act, in July, and now we are sharing the important details in an event next week to educate the business community about this topic!

Todd McCracken, current president of the National Small Business Association shares the stage with Foster Swift Attorney Robert Hamor for a panel discussion led by MBN’s Chris Holman to cover a crucial topic for small businesses:

MBN Speaker Series | Special Panel Discussion 

Thursday, October 13th  • 11:00 AM
Michigan Room, the campus of
Lansing Community College

$50 per seat, ask about table-of-8-options.

Networking session, Community Roundtable, Luncheon, Panel Discussion, Q&A!

Reserve your seats today Email  To assist LCC with their Meal headcount, registration is preferred by today, October 10th.

The National Small Business Association works on behalf of small businesses, in Washington D.C. in connection with business issues that many are aware of, and some that you might never hear about, but that are working their way through government and could pose unintended consequences for business. They’re a great watchdog on behalf of business!

Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC is a full-service law firm founded in 1902. The firm employs 95-plus attorneys and over 100 support staff in six locations; Lansing, Detroit, Southfield, Grand Rapids, Holland, and St. Joseph. For more information about the firm, its attorneys and to access recent publications, visit  

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