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WHAT THEY’RE SAYING: Community Leaders Across Michigan Applaud Senate Passage of Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill


Legislation Peters Helped Pass in Senate Makes Substantial Investments in Michigan Roads, Bridges & High-Speed Internet

DETROIT, MI – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) yesterday helped the Senate pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that makes historic investments in Michigan infrastructure, including roads, bridges, high-speed internet, electric vehicles and the Great Lakes that will strengthen our economy. In recent months, Peters held roundtable discussions across the state to hear from local, business and labor leaders on Michigan’s infrastructure needs and improvements. Here’s what leaders around the state are saying about the passage of this critical legislation:

“This federal infrastructure bill will mean much-needed investment in Michigan’s transportation system and nicely complement Gov. Whitmer’s Rebuilding Michigan program,” said MDOT Director Paul C. Ajegba. “I was pleased to participate with Senator Peters in roundtables he conducted across the state to put a focus on our needs. I appreciate all he and Senator Stabenow have done to make this a reality.” 

“In recent weeks, we have experienced events that have shown why we must make substantial investments in our decaying infrastructure,” said Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter. “Our needs have reached emergency proportions. The bill passed today by the U.S. Senate, including Michigan’s chief advocates Sens. Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow, will begin to help fixing our roads, bridges and water lines as well as provide good-paying jobs for our residents.” 

“The story of the infrastructure data is loud and clear, and the need for impactful investment continues to grow with each day it is deferred; SEMCOG thanks Senators Peters and Stabenow for their leadership in taking this vital step forward,” said Amy O’Leary, Executive Director of SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. “SEMCOG appreciates the ongoing efforts of Southeast Michigan’s Congressional Delegation to move the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act forward in the House and deliver the strong federal support we have talked about for years. Southeast Michigan’s communities continue to work together and stand ready to leverage asset management principles to facilitate meaningful, coordinated, and equitable investment of available resources in infrastructure across the region.” 

“This legislation makes the kind of investments necessary not only to improve our state’s critical infrastructure, but to lift up the workers and families that make these upgrades possible,” said Mike Aaron, Business Manager for Laborers Local 1191. “We are grateful for Senator Peters’ work to pass this bill and his help with securing numerous wins for Michigan, including a provision we championed that will reinforce Buy American rules to ensure our taxpayer dollars are spent on American-made products and that we support good-paying, union jobs in our state. Our organization looks forward to working with the Senator to rebuild Michigan’s infrastructure as well as supporting our union workers whether that is by closing a growing skills gap or expanding apprenticeship opportunities for Michiganders. Our members live in the communities that need these investments most and while the work is hard, it builds the families and communities that make us who we are as Michiganders.” 

“The infrastructure package passed by the Senate will be transformational for local communities like Lansing,” said Lansing Mayor Andy Schor. “We have tremendous needs for physical infrastructure fixes like roads and sidewalks and bridges as well as water infrastructure, EV, and other infrastructure needed. We have been doing what we can to update our infrastructure, and this federal investment will create the change that Lansing and so many other communities around the country need. Senator Peters has come to Lansing and viewed our needs first-hand, and I thank him for all the work he has done to get this legislation across the finish line.” 

“These are exactly the types of investments needed to not only repair and rebuild what has made our community so successful but also an opportunity to lay the foundation for our future,” said Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss. “Fighting climate change through expanding the EV network and enhancing our transportation infrastructure while closing the digital divide is something that will benefit us all. I’m appreciative of Senator Peters’ leadership and look forward to continuing to work with him as we find ways to implement a shared vision for what’s possible.” 

“Damage from the harsh aeffects of climate change on our water related infrastructure in the Great Lakes region is of great concern to shoreline communities like Traverse City,” said Traverse City Mayor Jim Carruthers. “I appreciate Senator Peters’ dedication and his efforts toward supporting our needs in Michigan and for all the Great Lakes states in the current infrastructure bill. Maintaining water quality in Michigan is a top priority and Senator Peters’ understands the importance this has on our local economy. It’s important that this bill is passed so we can continue to protect this important fresh water resource.” 

“The need for investment in infrastructure is critical, as it is the circulatory system of our economy,” said Andrew Younger, Executive Director of the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce. “Any time we make improvements, especially forward-thinking ones, it can create growth opportunities for businesses, and jobs, in our area.” 

“First, Senator Peters’ approach with the infrastructure bill is greatly appreciated, as it is notable that he took the initiative to engage and listen to Upper Peninsula stakeholders as the legislation was being debated to have an understanding of what was important to us locally, such as our need for accessible and affordable broadband,” said Marty Fittante, CEO of InvestUP. “With the pandemic highlighting further the critical importance of building out accessible and affordable broadband opportunities, we are grateful for Senator Peters’ continued leadership to make that investment in broadband locally.  The funding found in the infrastructure bill, and its emphasis of rural communities, is just the latest example of his commitment in this regard, just months after he lead a bipartisan coalition to pass the Rip and Replace legislation that was critical to the continuity of the Education Access Network.” 

“I thank Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow and the bipartisan effort of Washington on the passage of this transformational infrastructure bill,” said Bob Trezise, Jr. President, and CEO, Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP). “Senator Peters engaged LEAP and the Greater Lansing community and is now delivering, not only the desperately needed traditional infrastructure needs of our of three-county area and Michigan but on critical items like electric car and broadband development that will truly help propel us forward and successfully compete on a global scale to attract more new, cutting-edge industry creating good jobs for all of our citizens.” 



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