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VIDEO: Peters Commemorates Veterans Day

S. Gary Peters

DETROIT, MI – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI), a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released a video in advance of Veterans Day. 

“Veterans Day is an opportunity to reflect on the valiant sacrifices and patriotism of our nation’s veterans,” said Senator Peters. “We have an obligation to always remember these sacrifices and to continue supporting veterans and their families. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those who have donned a uniform – and to their families – both here at home and around the world.”

To watch Peters’ message commemorating Veterans Day, click here. 

Below is the text as prepared for delivery: 

“Throughout our nation’s history, American servicemembers have always demonstrated immense bravery and selfless willingness to serve. 

“Veterans Day is an opportunity to reflect on the valiant sacrifices and patriotism of our nation’s veterans. We recognize and honor those who answered the call to defend against threats to our national security. Our military is the strongest in the history of the world because of their courage and because of their service. 

“As a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve – and the son of a World War II veteran – honoring our nation’s heroes is personal. That’s why I remain committed to ensuring veterans have access to the quality services that they have earned. Whether it’s receiving care for the invisible wounds of war, like PTSD or TBI, treatment for illnesses due to Agent Orange exposure, or access to benefits to pursue education or skills training. 

“We have an obligation to always remember these sacrifices and to continue supporting veterans and their families. We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those who have donned a uniform – and to their families – both here at home and around the world. Today, I encourage everyone to thank a veteran for their service to protect our freedoms, our values, and the way of life as Americans. 

“God bless all those who have served, and God bless the United States of America.”


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