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U.P. Perspective | Saying Goodbye at the LSCP


News from Amy Clickner and Lake Superior Community Partnership, sharing the U.P. Perspective:

Believe it or not, this is my 10th year of writing this column in partnership with the Mining Journal. This is truly a task I have enjoyed, even looked forward to, each week. That is why writing today’s column is so bittersweet as it is my last one prior to my retirement at the end of the week.

I would like to thank the Mining Journal for providing the Lake Superior Community Partnership this incredible opportunity to share our news and views. It is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to it being continued under incoming CEO, Sarah Lucas’ leadership.

I’d like to shout out those of you who read the column. Many of you have reached out to me regarding the information shared or simply to mention you read and enjoy it. It felt good to know that more than my mom and Jim read it.

This week is also the LSCP Virtual Annual Celebration, starting at 4:00 pm on Thursday, March 11. The event is free to attend, but registration is encouraged. We hope that you will join us as we celebrate our Distinguished Service Award winners, Marquette County Administrator Scott Erbisch and Eagle Mine, welcome our incoming CEO, Sarah Lucas and allow me a few minutes to say my farewells. By special request, Don Ryan, will emcee the event and we will conclude with a virtual networking session that will allow attendees to socialize. Register online at

Whether you can attend the event or not, you’re still able to participate in the Silent Auction that will run all week from March 8-12, online at Our office is full of incredibly generous auction donations of which I am certain you will find one that is right for you! There are also sponsorships still available, reach out to Ashley Szczepanksi at to make sure your company is represented. All proceeds raised benefit economic development in Marquette County.

As you have heard me say many times, economic development is a team sport and the LSCP needs all our investors, partners and stakeholders in order to be

successful. Thank you to the Board of Directors, current and previous staff, investors and partners that supported me and the LSCP over the last 23 plus years. To the businesses and entrepreneurs that trust our team to assist them in good times and bad, we appreciate you. To those who have supported the LSCP programming, whether you are a Leadership Academy graduate, purchase Love on Local gift cards, participate in our Annual Golf Outing, enjoy Business After Hours, attend our educational webinars and events or simply rely on our website resources, your support matters.

As I pass the baton to Sarah, I am confident that our committed board leadership and incredible staff will make her transition smooth. Please welcome her to our community and our organization in true Yooper fashion.

Thanks again, for allowing me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you over the last ten years. I have truly enjoyed it.

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