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The Magic Hour with Michael McCallum Episode 27 | Kristian Bringedahl Award-Winning Freelance

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A 6-part PodCast batch for the thirteenth episode [27th overall] of the Magic Hour with Michael McCallum recorded during 2020.

Kristian Bringedahl is the guest for episode 27. This conversation has Michael welcoming a friend to share his experiences in the Muskegon, MI, area and how he has collaborated across the creative Michigan community, serving them as a freelance sound recordist and audio/visual editor.
In their discussions Kristian covers COVID-19, what he’s done during the challenging times, and how he got involved in the Pickup Lansing – litter cleanup efforts, that he shares involvement in with Michael.  

Kristian Bringedahl is an award-winning freelance sound recordist and audio/visual editor living in Muskegon, MI. Since graduating from GVSU in 2015, Kristian has helped in the production of corporate projects from Facebook to Exxon Mobil, as well as several feature and short film projects – many of which are featured in the Rebel Pictures filmography. Along with his A/V work, he co-hosts SequelMen: The Podcast, a show focused on popular film franchises, as well as dabbles in graphic design, creating custom album covers and cover images for the show. He enjoys video games, walking outdoors, and analyzing character and narrative In visual mediums.

To hear this fun episode with Kristian and Michael just press play on the PodCasts shared below!

rpDuring this episode you’ll hear:

1)  Host Michael McCallum continues the show from remote locations. This episode was recorded at  in Lansing’s East Side. He introduces guest Sound Recordist, Filmmaker, and Podcast Host, Kristian Bringedahl. They talk about how they met and the award-winning web series they worked on together, Lucky Jay. 
KB 32) Host Michael McCallum continues the conversation with Sound Recordist, Filmmaker, and Podcast Host, Kristian Bringedahl. Stories of the award-winning web series, Lucky Jay, continues. 
KB 13) Host Michael McCallum and his guest Sound Recordist, Filmmaker, and Podcast Host, Kristian Bringedahl discuss politics, his podcast and getting through COVID19. 
KB 114) Host Michael McCallum continues the conversation with guest Sound Recordist, Filmmaker, and Podcast Host, Kristian Bringedahl. Kristian continues talking about creating his podcast show, Sequel Men: the Podcast, his elusive Movie List, and working on projects during COVID19. 
KB 105) Host Michael McCallum asks guest Sound Recordist, Filmmaker, and Podcast Host, Kristian Bringedahl what advice he has for listeners wanting to get into the film industry and creating a podcast. 
KB 96) Wrap up with Host Michael McCallum as he listens to guest Sound Recordist, Filmmaker, and Podcast Host, Kristian Bringedahl discuss his love for everything Star Wars. 

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