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The Magic Hour with Michael McCallum Episode 25 | Mary Cusack Writing and Research through COVID19


A 6-part PodCast batch for the eleventh episode [25] of the Magic Hour with Michael McCallum for 2020.

Mary Cusack is the guest for episode 25. This conversation has Michael welcoming a friend to share her experiences and ways of dealing with the quarantine and other aspect of life during COVID-19. She’s a talented Writer, Researcher and Academic Dean.
In their discussions Mary covers COVID-19, what and how she writes, the nature of and findings from the research she’s done in recent months, and her connection and involvement in the Pickup Lansing litter cleanup project which she and Michael are both involved with.  
To hear this fun episode with Mary and Michael just press play on the PodCasts shared below!

rpDuring this episode you’ll hear:
1) Host Michael McCallum continues the show from remote locations. This episode was recorded at Blue Owl Coffee in Lansing’s Old Town. He introduces guest Writer, Researcher and Academic Dean, Mary Cusack.

MC London2) Host Michael McCallum continues the conversation with Writer, Researcher and Academic Dean, Mary Cusack. She delves into what drew her to writing and writing hurdles.


MC ST premiere3) Host Michael McCallum and his guest Writer, Researcher and Academic Dean, Mary Cusack continue talking about writing and her research on COVID19.


FB_IMG_16000434595094) Host Michael McCallum continues the conversation with guest Writer, Researcher and Academic Dean, Mary Cusack discuss the #PickUpLansing movement started by McCallum and Omar Karim.


FB_IMG_16000445989835) Host Michael McCallum and guest Writer, Researcher and Academic Dean, Mary Cusack continue the conversation with what they miss during COVID19 and her description of this “Ambiguous Loss”. we are all experiencing together.


IMG_48426) Wrap up with Host Michael McCallum and guest Writer, Researcher and Academic Dean, Mary Cusack. She gives her advice to listeners and the importance of “Sweat Equity”.

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