WASHINGTON, D.C – U.S. Senators Debbie Stabenow (MI) and Gary Peters (MI) today announced that the Michigan Public Health Institute will receive $1,408,797 to provide smoke detectors and develop online fire prevention tools for Michigan schools. The Fire Department Safety Officers Association will also receive $1,500,000 in federal funding to support community fire prevention education and training. These federal funds come from the Department of Homeland Security’s Fire Prevention and Safety Grant (FP&S) Program.
“Our firefighters and first responders put their lives on the line to protect our families, homes, and communities,” said Senator Stabenow. “Prevention is so important. These new resources will help save lives and the treasured possessions of families.”
“First responders in Michigan put their safety on the line time and time again to protect their neighbors and communities,” said Senator Peters, Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “This funding will help communities secure up-to-date resources like smoke detectors and put plans in place to ensure both Michiganders and first responders are better protected when disaster strikes.”
“Research shows that a working smoke alarm can cut the risk of dying in a fire almost in half. Far too many people in our country lack this basic level of protection. MPHI’s Sound Off project has distributed 58,000 smoke alarms for installation in low-income homes. Along with educating children about fire safety, this new funding from FEMA will allow us to distribute an additional 20,500 alarms, bringing the project total to 78,500 alarms in homes in high-risk communities. We’re very eager to continue this important work with all of our partners, fire departments, and schools to expand this life-saving program in high-risk communities,” said Meghan Faulkner, MA, Associate Director of Operations, Center for National Prevention Initiatives at Michigan Public Health Institute.
Eligible fire departments and Emergency Medical Services organizations in Michigan and across the country can apply for Fire Prevention and Safety Grants. More information about the grant can be found at http://www.fema.gov/firegrants.