LANSING, MI – Sparrow recently celebrated the 400th successful implant of Watchman, a device implanted in the upper chamber of the heart to decrease risk of stroke in some patients. Sparrow was the first hospital in Lansing to offer this leading-edge medicine, which is an alternative to blood thinners.
The Watchman is designed for those with atrial fibrillation – who are at an increased risk of stroke — who are unable to take blood thinners, which is the most commonly used treatment for this condition. Atrial fibrillation is the most common form of heart arrhythmia in the United States. Earlier today a local patient discussed how well the procedure worked for her and was joined at a Sparrow cardiac lab. Joined by Sparrow’s highly skilled cardiovascular physicians.
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Sparrow is Mid-Michigan’s premier healthcare organization and includes hospitals in Lansing, Charlotte, St. Johns, Ionia and Carson City as well as Physicians Health Plan, Sparrow Care Network, Sparrow Medical Group, the Michigan Athletic Club, and AL!VE. Sparrow is affiliated with Michigan Medicine through the Sparrow Children’s Center and with Michigan State University’s three human health colleges. Through these partnerships and the dedication of our 10,000 Caregivers, Sparrow pursues a vision to be nationally recognized as a leader in quality and Patient experience. For more information, visit