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Sparrow News: Sparrow Carson Recognizes Outstanding Caregivers


Sparrow Carson Hospital recognizes caregivers for quick response to stroke patient

CARSON CITY, MI Sparrow Carson Hospital is proud to recognize Karmen Bussell, RN, and Patrick Kane, RN, as its Caregivers of the Quarter.

Bussell and Kane were nominated for their quick efforts in life-saving patient care by helping a patient having a stroke receive urgent care in the Sparrow Carson Emergency Department. The team provided the patient with excellent care without any delays.

The incident happened when a woman ran into the hospital yelling that her husband was having a stroke at a nearby home. Bussell and Kane ran to the home with a wheelchair and found the patient on the floor, lifted him into the wheelchair, and brought him to the Emergency Department.

Their nomination reads, “Pat and Karmen’s quick efforts made all the difference for this patient. They did everything perfectly and what could have been a terrible outcome, wasn’t.”

Bussell and Kane were presented with a certificate of recognition and tumbler filled with goodies from Sparrow Carson administrators for their willingness to go above and beyond to provide the community with the leading-edge care. Please join us in congratulating and thanking Bussell and Kane for keeping our patients their top priority.

For more information about Sparrow Carson Hospital, go to

Photo caption: Sparrow Carson Hospital nurses Karmen Bussell, RN, and Patrick Kane, RN, (second and third from left) receive their certificates as Caregivers of the Quarter from (from left) Chief Nursing Officer Monte Malek; Julie Noreen, RN, Emergency Department Manager; and Mark Brisboe, Sparrow Carson President.

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