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SBDC’s Around the State | ComplyRight and Why It Matters for Michigan Small Business

SBDCleadIn this episode of SBDC’s ‘Around the State’ Jaime Lizotte, HR & Tax Compliance Solutions Manager with ComplyRight, joins J.D. Collins, State Director with Michigan SBDC, for the latest installment of SBDC’s Around the State.







To hear Jamie and JD in the conversation facilitated by SBDC’s, Special Projects Coordinator, Josh Marko click play on the PodCast shared below.

Image result for SBDC JD CollinsSBDC’s Michigan State Director J.D. Collins (left)

Their discussion covers,…

o … about ComplyRight and why you matter for the Michigan small business community?

o What are some of the most common compliance challenges that you see small business struggling with?

o Marijuana compliance is a new area of uncertainty for Michigan small business. What should Michigan small business know about the new landscape?

o When should a small business reach out to ComplyRight for assistance? 
What resources do you have available? 
How would a company find ComplyRight?{{cta(‘0dab27bb-715a-4525-9ecb-e4072e5e7690’)}}

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