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Public Comment on New State Historic Tax Credit Program Still Open


Historic Preservation Tax Credits

Public Act 343 of 2020, signed into law by Governor Whitmer on December 30, 2020, established the new State Historic Tax Credit program to support place-based projects while promoting the preservation of Michigan’s historic resources.

 The Draft Rules for the Program are now available for public review and comment and can be accessed by (1) clicking this link, (2) emailing a request for the rules to, or (3) sending a written request for the rules to the SHPO, 300 North Washington Square, Lansing MI 48913. Comments must be received not later than 5:00 p.m. EDT, Friday, July 30, 2021.


Michigan enacts Public Act 343 of 2020 – State Historic Tax Credit

As we work to recover and revitalize Michigan communities, Public Act 343 of 2020 (the “Act”) was signed into law by Governor Whitmer on December 30, 2020 and established the new State Historic Tax Credit program (the “Program”). The Program will help support place-based projects while promoting the preservation of Michigan’s historic resources.

The Michigan Strategic Fund (the “MSF”) and State Historic Preservation Office (the “SHPO”) continue to work through the administrative rulemaking process (the “Rulemaking Process”) to formally promulgate rules which will establish how the SHPO creates and administers the Program. The Rulemaking Process is estimated to take 12-18 months to complete. Details, such as application procedures, more detailed eligibility requirements, and transfer rules, etc. will be determined as part of the Rulemaking Process.

Public Comment on Draft Program Rules now open

The draft rules for the Program (the “Draft Rules”) were presented to the Michigan State Historic Preservation Review Board and the MSF Board at their respective May 2021 meetings.  The Draft Rules are now available for public review and comment and can be accessed by (1) downloading this PDF document, (2) emailing a request for the rules to, or (3) sending a written request for the rules to the SHPO, 300 North Washington Square, Lansing MI 48913.

Comments may be submitted to the SHPO in writing via U.S. Mail to 300 North Washington Square, Lansing MI 48913 or emailed to  Please include “Draft Rules Comments” in the header or subject line of your correspondence.  Also, please be sure to include your name, the name of any organization you may be representing, and your contact information. Comments must be received not later than 5:00 p.m. EDT, Friday, July 30, 2021.

The SHPO will schedule a formal public hearing in accordance with the Rulemaking Process. As details for the public hearing are available, they will be posted to our website homepage at

The Act places the following requirements on the Program:

  1. A property must be listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the State Register of Historic Sites, or be in a local historic district, and either be individually listed or contribute to a listed district in order to be eligible for the Program.
  2. The Program has a $5 million cap per calendar year, which will be divided as follows:
  • $2 million for commercial with expenses greater than $2 million
  • $2 million for commercial with expenses of $2 million or less.
  • $1 million total for owner occupied residential projects.
  1. Credit reservations will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Additional updates will be shared on this webpage. (Revised: 6/17/2021)

February 26, 2021: State Historic Tax Credit Frequently Asked Questions. This document will be updated as the program is formalized.

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