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Profile of Firstronic, a Member of the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch

Business SpotlightMichael Rogers, Vice President Communications for the Small Business Association of Michigan, talks with John Sammut, President and CEO of Firstronic, a member of the Michigan 50 Companies to Watch.

Prior to joining Firstronic, John served as CEO of Live Sports Radio LLC for 3 years, a private-equity backed business. He also served as President and CEO of EPIC Technologies, LLC, a multinational EMS company for nearly 10 years. He led the Company’s growth from $3 million (through its predecessor business, CCI), to nearly $300 million in annual revenue, while achieving industry-leading levels of profitability. In 2006, he was the recipient of the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in the Technology category for the Midwest Region.

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