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MY Lansing MBK Action Summit

This weekend’s Equity Equals show provides a snapshot of the work of One Love Global, Inc. as convener of MY Lansing, the Lansing region’s My Brother’s Keeper Challenge. Tune in for excerpts from the 2nd MY Lansing MBK Action Summit on the My Brother’s Keeper Milestones and the MY Lansing Pathways to Economic Equity. Excerpts include presentations from: Angela Waters Austin, president and CEO of One Love Global as well as host and producer of Equity Equals, DeLisa Fountain, co-founder and project director of NEON Lansing, and Cameo King, COO of One Love Global and associate producer of Equity Equals.

MY Lansing partners convened at Union Missionary Baptist Church for an orientation to a grant awarded by Michigan Community Service Commission to launch a mentoring and volunteer generation network.

In September 2014, President Barack Obama issued a challenge to mayors, county executives and tribal leaders across the United States. Mayor Virg Bernero was one of the 1st to accept the challenge and selected One Love Global as the partner to lead the MBK Challenge and facilitate implementation of the MY Lansing Action Plan, authored by Equity Equals host Angela Waters Austin in June 2014.  

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