Volunteers needed to review concept papers submitted for the competition
Michigan Women Forward is seeking business professionals, industry experts, and successful entrepreneurs to support the 53 Voices Challenge. Please consider joining us as we help women start and grow businesses. Apply your own experience and expertise to review 53-second voice recordings and 500-word concept papers from women hoping to share their ideas for cash prizes. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two knowledgeable volunteers. Those assessments will determine which aspiring entrepreneurs become finalists.
1. The time commitment will vary based upon overall number of entries into the challenge received. The goal is for each reviewer to be responsible for three to five submissions.
2. Reviewers will be assigned on August 20, 2021. Each paper should be reviewed within two weeks of assignment (August 23, 2021-September 2, 2021). We ask that all volunteers work within this timeframe in order to expedite the process. A review rubric will be provided. Use this document to assign points to each section.
3. We ask that scoring focus on the business idea and concept, per the rubric MWF will provide, based on objective consideration of the entry’s overall merit. Grammar and formatting are not focal points for this process.
4. Please let us know if there is a potential conflict of interest and we will reassign that paper to someone else.
5. Please treat all entries in strict confidence.
To volunteer as a reviewer, please contact Elly Drain, edrain@miwf.org no later than Monday, August 16, 2021.
Michigan Women Forward are sharing an exciting funding opportunity with the entrepreneurs of Michigan. Today, MWF are announcing their 53 Voices Challenge, which is a pitch competition for women to win up to $5,350 and receive technical assistance training.
Attached is their flyer. They want to reach as many women entrepreneurs (and future women entrepreneurs) as possible.
Can you pitch your business idea using only your voice? Michigan Women Forward (MWF) is teaming up with Fifth Third Bank and challenging women across the state to record their best business idea for a chance to win cash prizes. All you need is a recording device (a phone works well!) and a short description of your idea to start or grow a business. 53 finalists will be selected to win $100 and will receive training on accounting, marketing, and pitching. The top 10 finalists will be selected to win an additional $250 and create a video that will be voted on for additional grand prizes up to $5,000!
More information and application can be found here: https://miwf.org/wei/womanup-programs/53-voices-challenge/. Applications open August 2 and will remain open until August 18. Contact us by emailing microloan@miwf.org with any questions.