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MMA | What Would a Strong Pipeline of Local Talent with Foundational Skills Needed on the Job Mean for Your Company’s Future?

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Addressing the misconceptions of manufacturing and bringing to light the ample career opportunities available in our industry is critical to developing a solid pipeline of future talent.  The Partnership Response Initiative in Manufacturing Education (PRIME) program is a proven resource for manufacturers the country, offering education and career-readiness opportunities for high schoolers.

With more than $6 million secured by MMA in the School Aid Fund budget to double the number of PRIME schools in Michigan, now is the time to connect with your next-generation workforce.

Could developing your local pipeline of skilled and STEM-capable workers help you beat the competition? Contact MMA’s Tracy Russold, at 517-487-8555 or, for more information.

What Our Members Say

Owen Johnston“Recruiting and hiring candidates with the right skillsets to match the position has become one the biggest challenges for Michigan manufacturers. The state needs a greater pipeline for talent development to help the manufacturing sector to grow and employ more people .”

– David K. Schmidt,
President & COO, Alro
Steel Corporation

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Advance. Transforming communities, transforming lives. The return on investment: safe, affordable homes. Healthy communities. Better lives. Cinnaire.

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