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MMA | Recognize Manufacturing Excellence

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Nominations Open June 14 – August 20 • Nominate Online at

The events of the past 16 months have brought renewed attention to the important role manufacturing plays, from the factory floor to the Michigan economy and the communities in between.

Help us recognize Michigan manufacturers by nominating an outstanding individual, deserving company or noteworthy product for the 2021 MFG Excellence Awards. Check out the award categories and submit your nomination(s) online by Friday, 8/20/21.

Self-nominations are encouraged – who knows the hard work of your company and your employees better than you?

About the Awards Process

Teams of independent judges determine Award recipients based on the content and quality of the completed nomination forms. Anyone, except MMA staff, may nominate an individual or company within Michigan’s manufacturing industry. Self-nominations are encouraged.

The submission of additional information about the nominee and the company, such as letters of recommendation/commendation, testimonials, press articles, and company brochures, is highly encouraged. You may submit multiple nominations for each category. However, numerous nominations for the same person/organization/program will not make them more likely to be selected.

“I’ve been in the industry for decades and even I am blown away by the exceptional entries received for the MFG Excellence Awards. The thought, detail and support material really helps paint a picture for us judges.”

– 2019 MFG Excellence Award Judge   

“It really is amazing how manufacturers step up – both in the face of adversity and just to keep innovating and keeping their business going. Sometimes it’s hard to pick just one winner and that’s where the support materials really help tell their manufacturing story.”

– 2020 MFG Excellence Award Judge     

Nominate an outstanding individual at for:

John G. Thodis Michigan
Manufacturer of the Year

Honors the important, positive, and tangible contributions individual manufacturers and companies make to their employees, customers, and communities. Awarded to an individual in the small tier category (less than 200 employees) or an individual or company in the large tier category (more than 200 employees). Nominate online.

MFG Lifetime Achievement

Honors an individual who has excelled in the industry and inspires peers, emerging leaders, lawmakers, and educators to strive to make significant contributions to their company, industry, and community. Nominate online.

MFG Woman of the Year

Honors the roles women play in manufacturing, significant achievements in the industry, and positive impacts within the company and community. Nominate online.

MFG Emerging Leader

Recognizes a manufacturing leader who has been involved in the industry for less than 12 years for exceptional contributions to the industry now and into the future. Nominate online.

MFG Talent Champion

Recognizes an individual or program that works to connect manufacturers and educators to create a winning talent program. Nominate online.

Self-nominations are encouraged for all categories.
Nominations close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, 8/20/21.

Nominate Online Today

What’s Your Favorite Michigan-Made Product?

logo_coolest_blueInnovation and dedication set Michigan manufacturing apart by providing solutions – from household staples to life-improving machinery. Nominate your favorite Michigan-made product for the 2021 “Coolest Thing Made in Michigan” People’s Choice Award at!

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