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MMA | Keynote Session Announced for MFG Operations Conference

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Keynote Session Announced

This year, the 2022 MFG Operations Conference welcomes Daniel Bruce, Senior Manager in UHY Consulting, as the keynote speaker.

Daniel Bruce is going to share strategic planning tips on how to drive growth and capture opportunities.  With technology improvements, product innovation, and material enhancements expected to have a major impact on the manufacturing industry over the next 10 years, how can manufacturing leaders navigate these changes, capture new opportunities and switch from constantly making reactive decisions to becoming more proactive?  React quicker to disruptive trends and create competitive advantages through the value of strategic planning, access a framework for your strategic planning process, and identify key activities that increase the likelihood of success.

An experienced consultant who has advised start-up, middle-market and global companies across many industry sectors, Daniel Bruce has expertise in strategic planning, market analysis, M&A approach and evaluation, financial analysis, and commercial due diligence. He develops results-oriented strategies for organizations using a structured, collaborative, data-driven approach, carefully aligning clients’ goals and objectives. His deep understanding of the challenges executives face allows him to develop practical, customized, high-quality, and immediately applicable solutions that produce results.

savethedate_purpleTuesday, April 19, 2022 • 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
James B. Henry Center for Executive Development in Lansing

2022 MFG Operations Conference

Tuesday, April 19, 2022, in Lansing


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