Chris Holman catches up once again with Michael Maddox, President, CEO, EOS Visionary of ASK, Lansing, MI, and Host of “Bottom Line IT” on Michigan Business Network (ASK recently merged with Convergence Networks/Grade A)
The pair pause from their series of interviews in the real-life case study of a modern merger, to dig back into IT services and reflect upon what business owners should look for in an MSP.
Watch Mike and Chris discuss MSP in the video below!
Chris finds out from Mike:
What should businesses look for in an MSP?
Can they provide the 3 pillars of technology?
How secure is the MSP and why does that matter? (Referring to the recent Kaseya cyber attack. The attack was on a software provider that sells its tools to MSPs. A cyberattack on an MSP or a tool that an MSP uses can have a very damaging waterfall effect)
What expectations should a business have on an MSP when it comes to security? What does it mean for a company to be an MSP vs an MSSP? (Manage service provider vs managed security service provider)
Can the MSP provide a strategic technology roadmap? What questions should businesses ask of MSPs when it comes to road-mapping?’