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ICYMI: Michigan Business Beat | Tekea Norwood, CAMW! Explains the Rapid Response Program

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Jeffrey Mosher welcomes back Tekea Norwood, COO, CAMW! the Capital Area Michigan Works!, Lansing, MI, but serving Ingham Eaton and Clinton Counties.

Hear Tekea and Jeffrey discuss Michigan’s Rapid Response program, supporting businesses and workers facing layoffs, in the SoundCloud PodCast shared below:

In their conversation, Jeffrey looked to find out several things from Tekea;

THEME: Capital Area Michigan Works! COO Tekea Norwood explains the Rapid Response program, a personalized service that offers support in identifying layoff prevention strategies and proactively sharing resources to dislocated workers.
Question: What is the Rapid Response program and how does it support businesses facing layoffs or closures?
‚óè We know that layoffs are a difficult decision for employers to make. Through the Rapid
Response program, employers can ensure their employees are supported and connected to
other available employment opportunities when they experience a layoff.
‚óè Through the combined efforts of local workforce boards, economic development organizations and other stakeholders, Rapid Response helps communities address the
broader economic impact of significant layoffs or closures, supports efforts to revitalize local
economies, and helps employees who experience layoffs find new positions that match their
skill sets.
‚óè The Rapid Response program benefits businesses by:
‚óã Minimizing disruption during workforce transitions.
‚óã Implementing cost-friendly aversion strategies that reduce turnover and recruitment
‚óã Connections to financial aid, training and incentives.
Question: How can an employer determine if a layoff is necessary and how does Rapid Response support when making that decision?
‚óè Cultivating an ongoing relationship with the Capital Area Michigan Works! business
services team is the best way employers can identify the warning signs of a layoff and
develop a plan quickly as it allows our Rapid Response team to be aware of the layoffs and schedule an initial employer meeting as soon as possible.
‚óè When an employer comes to us with notice of a potential layoff, the CAMW! Chief
Executive Officer will coordinate with our state-level Rapid Response Coordinator to arrange an initial meeting with the employer.
‚óè During this initial meeting, members of the Rapid Response Team and the employer will assess if it is possible to avert the projected layoffs.
‚óè If the projected layoff can be averted, a customized plan will be composed based on the employer’s needs.
‚óã Layoff aversion plans are created in collaboration with the Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) to identify key steps for aversion and future prevention.
‚óã One potential option within a layoff aversion plan is Incumbent Worker Training (IWT).
‚ñ† IWT is a program designed to enhance the skills of current employees, enabling them to advance in their careers and improve productivity for their employers.
‚ñ† CAMW! can even help to fund this training to take the economic strain off of the employer.
Question: What happens if layoffs cannot be avoided? What resources does the Rapid Response program offer to employees impacted by layoffs?
‚óè If layoffs are unavoidable, a worker orientation meeting will be organized, where the
CAMW! team will meet with employees and connect them with information and support in finding a new job.
‚óã These resources may include training information, assistance to update resumes and details on the labor market to notify workers which industries are currently hiring and help them understand their options.
‚óã CAMW! staff will also provide information on the WIOA Dislocated Workers program, an initiative designed to help workers get back to work as quickly as possible after losing their jobs due to layoffs, plant closures or other economic factors.
‚óè The establishment of a Joint Adjustment Committee (JAC) may also occur.
‚óã A JAC is a group of workers that provide adjustment services on behalf of the affected employees.
‚óã The JAC will help to tell employees about their options after a layoff and coordinate the presentation of available resources to the workers.
Question: What has been the broader community impact of Rapid Response efforts in helping people re-enter the workforce?
‚óè The Rapid Response Program has helped our region by revitalizing the local economy.
‚óã By quickly engaging with affected workers, the Rapid Response program helps reduce the immediate financial strain on individuals and households, which ensures displaced workers can secure new employment faster and prevent a severe downturn in local spending.
‚óè The program also helps us to retain key talent in our community.
‚óã Workers who receive training and reemployment services are more likely to remain in the community rather than relocate in search of new job opportunities. This helps retain a skilled workforce, which is crucial for local businesses and industries.
‚óè Lastly, Rapid Response helps to increase necessary skills amongst our workforce.
‚óã Through training opportunities, employees can learn new skills relevant to current and future job markets.
‚óã Communities with a well-trained workforce are more attractive to businesses looking to expand or relocate as they can easily find the talent they need.
‚óã When workers gain exposure to new tools, technologies, or concepts, it often sparks innovation and provides workers with the confidence to take on new roles.
Question: Where can people go to learn more about the Rapid Response program?
● To learn more about the Rapid Response program or connect with CAMW’s business
services team, contact Tekea Norwood, Chief Operating Officer, at (517) 492-5541, or Nick Chaffin, Program Compliance Officer, at (517) 492- 5524.

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