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Michigan Business Beat | National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC), Pitch Competition


Chris Holman speaks with Alissa Roath, Executive Director, National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC), Ann Arbor, MI. They discuss the topic of NAMC’s recent Pitch Competition

To watch Alissa and Chris’ discussion, please click play on the YouTube Video below:

● Army Smart Motor Pool Pitch Competition asked defense contractors to provide solutions to issues identified through a Mission-Driven Innovation (MDI) study, which summarized operational challenges Army motor pools currently experience in their efforts to maintain the readiness level of the existing fleet of vehicles.
● The NAMC Smart Motor Pool $100k Pitch Competition originated when Army Program Executive Officer, Combat Support and Combat Service Support (PEO CS&CSS) leadership challenged government contractors in the spring of 2020 to envision how developments in advanced technologies might be applied to address various obstacles in vehicle maintenance and help move the Army in the direction of what is referred to as “Smart Motor Pools” (SMP).
● The competition received over 26 entries, with MCM Learning, BAE Systems, and Raytheon Missiles & Defense being awarded the top prizes.
● Pitch entries were judged against their ability to solve the MDI study’s identified issues. Using these guidelines, winners were chosen by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the logistics and maintenance field, Chief Warrant Officers (CWOs), and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) from the U.S. Army Ordnance school.
● Their solutions spanning motor pool management, training, and reporting.
● The Mission-Driven Innovation (MDI) study identified a number of unmet needs motor pool managers experience. This included a lack of advanced technical training, proper tools, and coordinated planning; the use of maintenance personnel to perform non-maintenance related duties; and the inability to consistently capture accurate vehicle maintenance data.
● NAMC has allocated funds to facilitate another pitch competition this next fiscal year, alongside government partners, topic to be determined.

· Raytheon Missiles & Defense, Intelligent Interactive Motor Pool Management Tool ($35K award)
· MCM Learning, On-Demand Embedded Training Tool ($20K award)
· BAE Systems, Commanders Analytics & Reporting (CART) ($15K award)
· The top prize was awarded to Raytheon Missiles & Defense, producers of missile defense systems, precision weapons, and related technologies.
· Its winning entry delivered the most impactful solution for the overall issue at hand. This entry provided the framework for an Intelligent Interactive Motor Pool Management (I2M2) open platform that offers a holistic solution for integration of Army Enterprise and motor pool maintenance management data and enables Army partners and third parties to develop new SMP applications using secure, published Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

About NAMC
· As one of the longest-serving OTA-enabled consortiums, NAMC leads as a platform for U.S. innovators to work in partnership with the Government to advance the development of manned and unmanned autonomy-enabled military solutions and their emerging technologies in support of the U.S. warfighter.

· NAMC strives to remain the go-to entity with the most effective means to collaboratively conduct research, development, prototyping, and production for manned and unmanned autonomy-enabled military systems and related technologies in support of the end-user.

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