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Michigan Business Beat | Michael Maddox | JustASK – October Is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

JustASK-1While at the Lilac Tree Hotel on Mackinac Island, Chris Holman catches up with Michael Maddox, President, CEO, EOS Visionary of ASK, Lansing, MI, and Host of “Bottom Line IT” on Michigan Business Network (ASK recently merged with Convergence Networks/Grade A). Michael shares about how October is cyber security awareness month.

Watch Michael and Chris discuss October as Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the YouTube video below:

The discussion delves into questions like; how had the security climate changed in the last year?

What are the biggest security threats businesses are facing? (Phishing, ransomware, etc) 95% of cybersecurity breaches can be traced back to human error If the majority of security breaches can be traced back to human error what can business owners do to prevent an attack?

Cybersecurity protection sounds really important, but is it really expensive?

Why do most business owners avoid investing in cybersecurity? (Think about the cost comparison of some of the other office perks businesses typically spend like the cost of streaming services, soda, and snacks, coffee, etc).

In a great example of how there is a need for upgrading the internet infrastructure of Michigan, please bear with the limitations of the internet connection from beautiful Mackinac Island, MI.


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