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Michigan Business Beat | Kevin McKinley Treetops Resort Golf Updates

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Chris Holman catches up again with Kevin McKinley, Assistant GM, and PGA, Treetops Resort, Gaylord, MI, for a periodic golf update. Their conversation covers how has the summer been for Treetop’s golf?

To watch Kevin and Chris discuss this topic, click play on the YouTube interview below! 

The conversation goes on to check in on how the Lee Trevino hosted, “Once in a Lifetime Event” at ‘Michigan’s Most Spectacular Resort’ went recently on Thursday, July 29th?
You’re deep into the plans for the Patriot Golf Day Shootout hosted by Treetops Resort Friday, September 3rd – Sunday, September 5th, – Labor Day Weekend, tell us more about that.
Any updates ahead of the Pepsi Fall Charity Invitational Sunday, October 3rd?
I understand, there’s something about 2021 Fall Golf Unlimited Play with Spectacular Views at Treetops? What are the details?

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