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Michigan Business Beat | Anthony M. Dalimonte, Foster Swift – Overview of MI’s Earned Sick Time Act

Jeffrey Mosher welcomes back Anthony M. Dalimonte, Associate, Foster Swift Collins & Smith PC, Southfield, MI, one of Foster Swift’s 6 branches across Michigan.

Michigan Business Network: FS

Tony and Jeffrey discuss  Michigan’s Earned Sick Time Act, its impact on businesses & compliance tips. Stay informed! #MichiganLaw in the SoundCloud below:

Topic: Foster Swift about new updates to the Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA)


Can you give us an overview of Michigan’s Earned Sick Time Act and how it will affect Michigan’s businesses?

Is there any change this law gets stopped or amended by the Legislature?

Are there any exemptions?

What are the penalties for non-compliance?

Is there any advice that you would give to businesses as they prepare to comply with this law?

Anthony “Tony” Dalimonte is a labor and employment attorney who focuses on counseling employers on best practices and defending employers in employment litigation. This includes counseling management and human resource professionals on preventing and resolving disputes related to the life cycle of employment.

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