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Michigan Business Beat | A Periodic Update with Bay Future Inc.

08.21.19 -- BayFutureDriveForward.

Chris Holman speaks with Trevor Keyes, President/CEO, Bay Future Inc. Bay City, MI

Watch Trevor and Chris’s conversation, click play on the YouTube video below!

First please remind the Michigan business community of what Bay Future is, and your mission.

What were the highlights from your summer and so far, this autumn?

What projects and events remain for the rest of 2021?

Talent is a big topic across Michigan, what do you see in the Bay region?


Please see the below developments and projects over the last quarter Bay Future has assisted in securing that we’d like to highlight, some we spoke of and some we didn’t but FYI, Jeff.  And thank you!

Bay County Highlighted in September/October Edition of Business Facilities Magazine

Click here to view Bay County highlight

Click here to see the feature of SK Siltron CSS


Bay County Featured in August Edition of Business in Focus Magazine

Click here to read the web article

Click here to read PDF

$65+ Million Expansion of Michigan Sugar in Monitor Township

Click here to watch the announcement video

$302 Million Expansion of SK Siltron CSS in Monitor Township

Click here to watch the video


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