LANSING – Wednesday morning the Michigan AFL-CIO hosted their 34th Legislative Convention, attended by scores of union members across the state. Under the theme “Honoring Frontline Heroes,” the convention explored the hard-fought wins of the Michigan labor movement during the COVID-19 pandemic, the increase of workers using their collective power by going on strike, and the importance of supporting union members on the picket line.
“It’s our time to show what being ‘Union’ really means. That our strength is in our solidarity with each other,” said Michigan AFL-CIO President Ron BIEBER. “That is where our strength lies, always has been and always will be.”
During the Convention, delegates voted to approve six resolutions covering the need to build quality infrastructure in our state, creating a fair economy that works for everyone, protecting the rights of working people, growing vibrant communities for the residents of Michigan, strengthening our democracy by protecting voting rights, and addressing the programmatic needs of the Michigan AFL-CIO. The resolutions advocated a series of progressive labor policies, like supporting the abolishment of at-will employment, the creation of a four-day workweek, and support for a progressive income tax structure to bring economic fairness to the Michigan tax code.
Each year at convention, the Michigan AFL-CIO presents awards recognizing elected officials who have been fighting for Michigan’s working families. This year, State Legislators of the Year awards were given to Senator Curtis Hertel, Jr. and State Representative Regina Weiss, and Local Legislator of the year was awarded to Jackson Mayor Derek Dobies.
In addition to hearing from our awardees, delegates heard from Chair of the Legislative Labor Caucus Representative Terry Sabo, State Senate Democratic Leader Jim Ananich, State House Democratic Leader Donna Lasinski, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler (IBEW).