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MichBio | Michigan Forum for Digital Health

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The Virtual Michigan Forum for Digital Health has been rescheduled from March 31 to June 9th.
The program, sessions and times, and keynote will all remain the same. While this was a difficult choice, it was necessitated by challenges outside of our control in an effort to preserve the integrity of the program. We look forward to seeing you at the event.
The Michigan Forum on Digital Health is a gathering of thought leaders, innovators, providers, and change-makers to discuss what’s possible in digital health and how to get there. Healthcare and consumer wellbeing in the future is likely to be defined by interoperable data, secure platforms, and patient-focused, personalized tools.
The Forum will explore the opportunities and complexities of commercializing technologies into the healthcare system, the hurdles to overcome in gaining adoption, the social, regulatory, and legal considerations that govern health data, and the critical technology and business issues facing the deployment of digital health devices, tools, and services.
This event is focused on exploring the current digital health environment, and developing partnerships essential to a thriving digital health sector in Michigan: Key attendees include:
  • Industry Executive Leaders
  • Digital Health, Health IT and Bioinformatics Professionals
  • Academic or Higher Ed Professionals involved in Health Informatics and IT
  • Clinical Research Organization Professionals
This virtual event includes an exhibitor hall with booths allowing for full customization including hosting a live demonstration or discussion, uploading videos, handouts, and promotional offers, and adding raffles or other prize opportunities.
Exhibitors can directly engage with attendees through native video call or chat features, collect business cards through the event app, and privately message any attendee. The event website is published several weeks prior to the event and is available for several weeks after the event to allow for continued engagement.
 Industry Professionals
MichBio Member Employee: $45
Nonmember Employee: $95
Academic Faculty and High Ed Professionals
 MichBio Member Employee: $35
Nonmember Employee: $65
 MichBio Member Organization: $150
Nonmember Organization: $350
Academic Organization: $95

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