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10-07-2014: Meeting of the Minds Detroit


Detroit is now at a tipping point. At one time this boomtown saw nothing but prosperity in its economic future. Now, the city’s government has declared bankruptcy and city residents are being forced by their circumstances to redefine the city. It’s not an easy thing to reimagine a city’s identity, business models, and urban future. But hope still prevails and new innovations are quickly emerging in Detroit. Meeting of the Minds chose Detroit as the site for its 2014 annual convening; bringing together 350 invited leaders, from more than a dozen countries, representing the public, private, and non-profit sectors. 
Here one of the breakout tours is being conducted at the A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education, part of Detroit’s College for Creative Studies. They are learning about technical advancements being put forth by Toyota, North America.

Interviews from that afternoon, can be found as “Michigan Business Beat” PodCasts of October 7, 2014.

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