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MBN Speakers Series | Small Business Government Contracting Luncheon Coming up Tuesday

Michigan Business Network: Mike Hindenach Speakers Series

Michigan Business Network: MBN-Speaker-Series-web3

MBN Speaker Series:

Tuesday, February 11th MBN will be joined by Mike Hindenach.

Mike currently serves as the Program Director for the South Central Michigan APEX Accelerator and has led the program over the last six years.  He will speak on APEX, and government contracting. Even if you don’t currently utilize government contracting it’s an interesting revenue stream to learn about!

Michigan Business Network: Mike Hindenach Speakers Series11:00 am to 1:30 pm,

February 11, 2024, 

Friendship Hall, Capital Region International Airport. 

4100 Capital City Blvd, Lansing, MI 48906. 

The Friendship Room located to the left of the TSA. Doors open at 11am for check-in and networking. Program will start at 11:40 am and will conclude by 1:30 pm. Park in the short-term parking area and free parking pass will be provided at the check-in desk.

If you or your company plan on attending, final headcount estimates are appreciated by Friday!
For seats contact MBN Event Coordinator Sarah at 

Thanks to those who attended January’s MBN Speakers Series Economic Forecast Breakfast!

Additionally, November’s MBN Speakers Series with Todd McCracken of NSBA was well received. Don’t miss February 11th’s event. Once again, Mike Hindenach speaks to us about how APEX Accelerators can help small businesses understand and connect to government contracts.

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