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MBN Speaker Series Virtual Event | NSBA’s Todd McCracken, Next Week!

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Todd McCracken, current president of the National Small Business Association speaks at our first MBN Speaker Series Virtual event of 2022.

Click to register for: Webinar Wednesday, February 16th, 11:30 am until 1 pm.

The National Small Business Association works on behalf of small businesses, in Washington D.C. in connection with business issues that many are aware of, and some that you might never hear about, but that are working their way through government and could pose unintended consequences for business. They’re a great watchdog on behalf of business!

Todd McCracken currently serves as president of National Small Business Association (NSBA), directing all activities of the advocacy-oriented association. Mr. McCracken became president of NSBA in 1997. Mr. McCracken started with the association in 1988, previously serving as vice president of government affairs.

Mr. McCracken represents NSBA before the U.S. Congress and myriad other settings. As director of its government affairs arm, Mr. McCracken plays a key role in developing NSBA’s policies on issues and the strategies in implementing them. Since coming to the association, Mr. McCracken has testified before Congress numerous times about issues ranging from fundamental health care reform to tax code restructuring.

Mr. McCracken also is a frequent commentator in the media, having appeared on CNN, CNBC, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and NBC Nightly News as well as in the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and myriad other publications.

As a non-partisan organization, NSBA works proactively with elected and administration officials to promote policies that support small business growth and development. NSBA is the nation’s oldest small business organization. It was founded in 1937.

A native of New Mexico, Mr. McCracken is a graduate of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, with a B.A. in Economics.


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