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Alyssa Tracey: Resources for Michigan Companies Selling Abroad

Alyssa Tracey-3Alyssa Tracey is the Director of International Trade at Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). Alyssa’s program provides assistance to Michigan companies interested in exporting, including training, consulting, and financial reimbursement. She has spent her career working in economic development, and holds a BA in International Relations from Michigan State University and an MA in Modern Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Michigan.

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Here, Jade and Alyssa talk about many resources available for exporters via the MEDC, and how those programs have changed and expanded to better assist small- and medium-sized companies during the pandemic. As everyone has become more dependent on online sales and communications, assistance for website optimization has greatly increased. Michigan’s International Trade Development Managers can be reached to discuss assistance available for trade shows and trade missions, international market research, local trainings, contacts to international offices, and 75% reimbursement for international marketing expenses by going to

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