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Liberty Coin Service’s Heller Again Honored For Best Coin Dealer Publication!


In the Annual Awards ceremony video posted August 6, 2021, the Numismatic Literary Guild (NLG) once again honored Liberty Coin Service’s Communications Officer Patrick A. Heller for Best Investment Newsletter.  Heller was the co-winner this year, earning the award for the best coin dealer publication for the fifth time in the past six years.

Said LCS CEO and owner Tom Coulson, “Competing against hundreds of coin dealer publications, the Liberty’s Outlook newsletter that Pat writes for Liberty Coin Service’s customers and subscribers has been repeatedly honored by the NLG.  Pat frequently scoops the regular media by months and even years with information that helps people protect their financial future.  Providing our customers, readers, and listeners with valuable information they can’t find anywhere else has helped this company develop and sustain a growing and loyal customer base.”

Tom added, “Not only do readers of Liberty’s Outlook (where current and archived issues are available at benefit from Pat’s research, but so do those who read his weekly columns for and listen to his twice-weekly radio commentaries of “Things You ‘Know’ That Just Aren’t So And Important News You Need To Know.”

Over his career, Heller has received 19 national awards from the American Numismatic Association (including the 2012 Harry Forman National Coin Dealer of the Year Award), Florida United Numismatists, Industry Council for Tangible Assets, Professional Numismatists Guild (including the organization’s highest award in 2010, the Abe Kosoff Founders Award), and the Numismatic Literary Guild.  He has also received multiple honors from state and local organizations.

The Numismatic Literary Guild was established in 1968 to recognize outstanding written and other forms of communication about numismatics, the study of money.

Frequently-honored Liberty Coin Service, celebrating its 50th anniversary in business, is Michigan’s largest rare coin and precious metals dealership.  Liberty Coins, as it is known locally, has been located in Lansing’s Frandor Shopping Center since 1975.


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