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LEO | Federal Unemployment Benefits Programs End Sept. 4

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State resources available to help jobless find work

LANSING, Mich.-Michigan workers who have been receiving federal jobless benefits through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will see those programs expire Sept. 4, 2021. Benefit recipients are reminded that the State of Michigan has several programs and services to assist in their search for a job or other help.

Benefits approved by Congress through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (PUC), and Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation (MEUC) are set to expire on Sept. 4.

  • PUA provides benefits to workers who are not ordinarily eligible for unemployment benefits, such as self-employed, independent contractors, and gig economy workers.
  • PEUC allowed up to 53 weeks of additional benefits to those who had exhausted their regular state claim.
  • PUC allowed an additional $300 per week to anyone receiving regular state or federal unemployment benefits. Although regular UI benefits will continue to be paid, the additional $300 PUC benefit will also end for those on regular unemployment insurance.
  • MEUC provides an additional $100 per week to claimants who have earned at least $5,000 in net self-employment income.

ARPA expanded on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act unemployment insurance programs that were implemented in April 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since March 15, 2020, over 2.4 million Michiganders have received more than $38 billion in unemployment benefits, which has helped contribute to the state’s economic recovery.

“These federal programs provided much-needed financial relief to those who experienced job losses as a result of the pandemic,” said Liza Estlund Olson, acting director of the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA). “We want to make sure Michiganders who have been receiving these temporary benefits are aware of other resources available to help them get back on their feet and find new employment opportunities.”

The Sept. 4 expiration date also applies for people who show a benefit balance on their claims. People who are waiting for an eligibility determination for any of the federal programs and receive it after Sept. 4, will be paid all funds for which they are eligible. These individuals should continue to certify through Sept. 4.

Benefit recipients should continue to monitor their MiWAM account and check for emails from UIA in case there is further correspondence about their case. Key information will be shared about deadlines to protest or make an appeal.

Claimants will receive a new debit card from U.S. Bank by Aug. 25. This replaces the Bank of America card they’ve been using. After Aug. 25, any new money received will be posted to the U.S. Bank debit card. Claimants have until Nov. 1 to access the money that has been posted to their Bank of America card. Claimants should not discard their new U.S. Bank card when it arrives and should hold on to the old BoA card for at least a year in case they need to reference it later.

If claimants see signs of fraud while checking their MiWAM account, they should file a fraud or identity theft referral through their MiWAM account or contact the fraud hotline at 866-500-0017.

All protests and adjudications that have not been resolved by Sept. 4 will continue through the process despite the federal programs ending. Benefits will be paid to claimants who are determined to be eligible.

Those who receive federal pandemic unemployment assistance are urged to take part in job search, training, and assistance programs that are available through various state agencies.

“There are numerous free resources and programs available to support individuals in taking their next steps,” said Stephanie Beckhorn, Director of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity’s Office of Employment and Training. “Whether they want to conduct a job search, explore new career pathways or discover educational or training programs, there are many opportunities they can pursue.”

  • Pure Michigan Talent Connect at is a free job search resource that lists more than 90,000 jobs currently available in Michigan.
  • The Michigan Return to Work Playbook is an online portal that features job readiness and industry/job-specific resources as well as resources to support specific individuals (such as veterans or individuals with disabilities).
  • Career exploration, resume assistance, interview skills, classroom and on-the-job training, virtual and in-person job fairs, and more are provided through a local Michigan Works! service center. Call 800-285-WORKS or visit
  • Apply for healthcare coverage, food, and cash assistance, and more using the Michigan Department of Health and Humans Services’ MI Bridges system, which also lists helpful state and local resources.

For more information about the end of federal benefits or state assistance for those who are unemployed, go to


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