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Leadership Lowdown | Not Why, But What


When Jenny and Scott Koenigsknecht started their family, they were looking for all the joy and challenges that raising a young family would bring. But when their son Cooper came along, the challenges would grow…but so did the joy!

He’s the latest guest for six segments with Vic Verchereau on Leadership LowDown.

Jennifer shares a message of leadership, special needs, and children. Hear what she discusses with Vic!

Parents with special needs children can feel separated and on their own. Their children can feel left out and lonely…it was time to take action… No More Sidelines (NMS) began when a determined mother, Cyndi Blair, decided to do something about the tears her daughter shed because she had no friends of “her own.” Alivia lives daily with cerebral palsy, autism, and cognitive delays. There were no systems to help Alivia to make friends. How sad it was for a little girl not to be invited to a “sleep-over” or to get a birthday card from a friend.

It was No More Sidelines that helped the Koenigsknechts to ask a new question about Cooper. No longer “Why” but rather “What”. Asking what’s next and what can I do…This is a great story of overcoming tough circumstances to find real triumph and purpose! Tune in to this edition of the Leadership Lowdown and hear how asking the one question that really matters…”What can I do”?

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