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Leadership Lowdown | Alex Scovill, Living the FFA Creed!

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Vic Verchereau’s latest guest is Alex Scovill, the immediate past president of Michigan FFA. The FFA Organization, formerly known as Future Farmers of America, is a national youth organization of about 650,000 student members as part of 7,757 local FFA chapters. Alex’s message has a lot to offer leaders, hear what he shares with Vic!

The National FFA Organization remains committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

An impressive young leader with a super positive attitude and a great perspective! Knowledge, well beyond his years! Join us on this edition of the Leadership Lowdown!!{{cta(‘3aee5f9b-f8fa-4fef-b846-f33200dd7b89’)}}

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