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Judy Robinett: Cracking the Funding Code | Be Investable


On this podcast of Be Investable is Judy Robinett! 

Judy Robinett is a business thought leader who has been profiled in Fast Company, Forbes, Vogue, CNN, and Bloomberg Businessweek. For more than 30 years, she has helped entrepreneurs find needed capital by connecting them with venture capitalists, angel investors, and other sources of funding.

jrJudy is also an author and has a new book coming out – Crack the Funding Code: How Investors Think and What They Need to Hear to Fund Your Startup published by AMACOM/Harper Collins Leadership.

To order a copy, check out:…dingcode/ and also receive the additional pre-order bonuses. 

To connect with Judy – follow her on any of her social channels: 
Judy’s website:

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