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Happy Holidays!

It feels like yesterday that we were writing the final newsletter of 2020. This. Year. Has. Flown. By.The semester, and the entire year, was marked by a general theme of ‘adaptation’ and the year is wrapping up in the same manner as the CFE is currently searching for its next Executive Director. After five years on the job, Jonathan Fay will transition to a new role overseeing our NSF I-Corps program which aims to leverage the resources of entrepreneurial research universities across the Midwest to strengthen the region’s innovation ecosystem (in his new role, Jonathan will remain part of the CFE team).Another adaptation coming in the winter semester is the return of our in-person student trek programs that introduce students to the entrepreneurial ecosystems of the Bay Area and Washington D.C.. While dates for our D.C. trek are still TBD, our Bay Area trek will take place in late-February/early-March; if your company is interested in ‘hosting’ a group of students for an hour-ish-long workshop, tour, panel discussion, etc., send me a note saying as much (we’ll share our COVID-policy for these programs with all who express an interest in hosting our students).Our launch of the U-M Entrepreneurs Mentoring Network is one adaptation that has proven to have staying power. This AI-powered tool has dramatically enhanced our ability to connect you with our students as they seek mentorship in prepping for their entry-level careers. Here are a few highlights of what was accomplished in 2021:

  • Nearly 700 students used the system to send over 2,000 requests for help, mentorship, or the like to the CFE’s network of alum and external partners
  • Over 900 alum responded to those students with candid advice, offers to share a call or to meet with the student(s)
  • Perhaps most importantly, both audiences found the exchanges to be valuable with an average feedback rating of 8.3/10

While we’re thrilled at how this tool has helped our students, the Network is meant to serve the needs of alum as well. Whether you need insight from an insider on industry trends, to connect with a niche expert on your technology’s next step, or to simply learn about the entrepreneurial movers/shakers in a given region, the Network is open for your use. Give it a try today and submit your question and/or need here.Thank you for being a vital partner in our efforts to educate the next generation of entrepreneurial Wolverines. Have a safe and happy holiday season, talk to you in the new year!

– Center for Entrepreneurship


Transforming Scientific Theory into Reality: The Illustrious Career of Tess Hatch

“I have fond memories of and great relationships with all of my Michigan aerospace professors,” she said. “Those relationships are the absolute highlight.” To this day, Tess remains close to her alma mater, where she shares her own success with curious students, future entrepreneurs, and the next generation of bright, young women looking to break the glass ceiling…READ MORE
Student Spotlight: Ariana KhanBeyond her business major, she currently pursues three minors: Science, Technology and Medicine (STM), the Ross Cappo Sales Track, and the entrepreneurship minor…READ MORE

Program Welcomes Impressive 7th Cohort

“I have a solid idea that I am very passionate about, but right now it’s just bare bones and I’m struggling to understand everything I need to do to develop the idea and launch a company. When I learned about ELP I was fully impressed. It’s the most comprehensive program for entrepreneurs on campus…READ MORE

Kevin Didn’t Stay Home Alone That Summer

It was his passion for entrepreneurship that drew him to IPE’s study abroad program in Portugal back in 2019, and the opportunity to directly work with successful entrepreneurs and build a startup from the ground up was an experience he couldn’t turn down…READ MORE
TechLab KickOffAlum are invited to help us welcome a new cohort of students to our TechLab:Mcity program on January 11 at 4:00pm EST…Attend Event HereJ.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference EventThe University of Michigan is holding a reception during the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, from 6:00pm-8:00pm PST, at the Marines’ Memorial Club (609 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94102).U-M faculty, alumni, and industry partners are invited to attend and learn more about U-M’s work in health innovation. Join us to connect with U-M faculty, U-M alumni, and friends in the venture capital sector. Please email Chris Shoemaker at to attend.
MTRAC Mid-Stage FundingMTRAC Awards are a part of the MTRAC for Life Sciences Innovation Hub – a statewide program that accelerates the transfer of technologies from Michigan’s institutions of higher education to the private sector for commercialization. Made possible by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, and co-managed by University of Michigan Innovation Partnerships and Fast Forward Medical Innovation, the awards provide mid-stage, translational research funding, and resources for proof-of-concept and late-stage translational studies with a high potential of commercial success.MTRAC awards funding up to $250K, with all awarded projects requiring a cost-share from the investigator/institution. The deadline for this year’s funding cycle is January 7th, 2022. In addition to money, award winners receive regulatory guidance, business plan development, and mentorship from industry and investment experts. Apply here

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