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ICYMI: Secretary Granholm Traveled to Michigan to Highlight Efforts to Bolster U.S. Supply Chains


WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday, March 11, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm traveled to Mid Michigan to highlight the importance of achieving energy independence through clean energy, strong and secure domestic supply chains, and American manufacturing. The Secretary was joined by U.S. Representative Dan Kildee (MI-05), Chief Deputy Whip of the House Democratic Caucus, to tour Xalt Energy and Hemlock Semiconductor Operations. The visit highlighted the Biden Administration’s ongoing efforts to lower energy costs for American communities, combat the climate crisis, and generate clean energy jobs through an equitable clean energy transition. 


Michigan Public Radio: US Energy Sec. Granholm in Michigan to promote clean energy, secure domestic supply chains

Later, Granholm told reporters solar is the cheapest form of energy. As an example, she compared electricity costs to the current high gas prices to fill up her car.

“It would cost me, if I had to fill it up at a gas station, it would cost me 65 bucks. Maybe,” said Granholm, “If I plug it into my garage, it would cost about $12 to go the same distance.”

Midland Daily News: Granholm, Kildee visit Hemlock Semiconductor to promote solar energy

Granholm then took the podium and said that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed by Congress last November will help bring supply chains for solar energy back to Michigan, and the Solar Energy Manufacturing bill will take things a step further.

“If we take this next step, the sky’s the limit,” Granholm said. “We have great hope that we’re going to get this (bill) through Congress.”

When asked how lawmakers from both parties can be convinced to support the solar energy legislation, Granholm commented: People respond to price. As an illustration, Granholm said she drives an electric car that she figures would cost $65 to fill with gas at current prices, but costs only $12 for her to charge in her garage, where she has solar panels that generate electricity.

“Money talks. Regardless of political stripes, people can agree on something like this,” she said.

WEYI: Energy Secretary Granholm talks solar manufacturing and investment in Michigan

According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy the amount of money you can save with solar depends on how much electricity you use and where you live.

The office says the cost of going solar has decreased every year since 2009.

“The solar supply chain that is here in Michigan can also supply other nations,” said Granholm. 



Representative Kildee: Welcome back to Michigan, @SecGranholm! We toured Xalt Energy & Hemlock Semiconductor to highlight how Michigan is leading the way to energy independence through clean energy. By strengthening our domestic supply chains, we can create more jobs in Michigan. 

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Hemlock Semiconductor: .@SecGranholm and @RepDanKildee were welcomed back to HSC on Friday to discuss the Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act #SEMA and how HSC can play a vital role in building a robust supply chain for the U.S. solar energy industry. Thanks for visiting us! 


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