LANSING, Mich. — Not seasonally adjusted unemployment rates increased in 13 of Michigan’s 17 labor market areas over the month, according to data released July 27th by the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget.
“Most Michigan regional jobless rates saw typical June increases,” said Wayne Rourke, labor market information director of the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics. “June nonfarm employment increased across the state.”
Michigan regional unemployment rates ranged from 3.7 to 5.7 percent during June. Thirteen labor market areas demonstrated jobless rate advances over the month, with a median increase of 0.3 percentage points. Four regions displayed unemployment rate decreases during June, including the Monroe metropolitan statistical area (MSA), the Upper Peninsula, and both the Northeast and Northwest Lower Michigan regions.
Jobless rates receded in all 17 Michigan labor market areas over the year, with a median rate reduction of 0.4 percentage points. The largest over-the-year rate decrease occurred in the Monroe MSA (-1.0 percentage points).
Regional employment levels mixed over month, up over year
Employment decreased in eight Michigan labor market areas over the month, with a median reduction of 0.7 percent. The largest reduction was seen in the Lansing metro area (-2.8 percent). Total employment rose in six Michigan regions, with a median increase of 1.1 percent. Employment was unchanged over the month in the Bay City, Midland, and Saginaw MSAs.
Total employment rose in all 17 Michigan regions over the year, with a median increase of 2.9 percent. The largest over-the-year employment gain occurred in the Ann Arbor MSA (+4.7 percent).
Regional labor force levels up over month and year
Ten Michigan regions demonstrated workforce increases over the month, with a median advance of 0.5 percent. The largest over-the-month increase occurred in the Northwest Lower Michigan region (+3.6 percent).
Michigan labor force totals rose in all 17 regions over the year, with a median increase of 2.6 percent. The largest over-the-year workforce increase occurred in the Ann Arbor metro area (+4.4 percent).
Regional payroll employment edges up in June
According to the monthly survey of employers, Michigan not seasonally adjusted nonfarm employment increased by 36,000, or 0.8 percent, over the month. Employment gains were seen in most major Michigan industries, especially the state’s leisure and hospitality sector (+23,000).
Payroll employment advanced in 12 metro areas over the month, with a median increase of 0.6 percent. The largest over-the-month gain in jobs occurred in both the Detroit and Midland metro areas (+1.0 percent). Nonfarm jobs decreased over the month in the Ann Arbor and Lansing regions.
Michigan total payroll employment rose by 77,000 over the year, or 1.8 percent. Eleven metro areas demonstrated employment advances over the year, with a median increase of 1.7 percent.
County unemployment rates mixed over month, down over year
Forty-eight Michigan counties exhibited jobless rate increases between May and June. Twenty-six counties displayed rate decreases over the month, and nine county unemployment rates were unchanged. Sixty-seven Michigan counties demonstrated rate decreases over the year.
For more detailed information, including data tables, view the full release.
Note: Data in this release is not seasonally adjusted. As a result, employment and unemployment trends may differ from previously released Michigan seasonally adjusted data.
A breakdown of not seasonally adjusted June workforce estimates for Michigan and its 17 major labor market areas follows, along with a ranking of county jobless rates for June.
Note to editors: Please ensure that the source for state unemployment rates reads “Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget.”