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IBC Quarterly Newsletter – Summer 2021

MSU-IBC Cropped-1Here’s the third issue of our eNewsletter.

Happy New Year!

The first few days of a new year always bring me hope, freshness and happiness. I feel like a lot is possible because I have an entire year in front of me… I guess this is even more true this year and I am looking forward to a much better year ahead.

In this newsletter, we highlight some of the changes in the IBC/MSU-CIBER office and how our team has been preparing for the fall 2021 semester. The issue will cover some of the staff changes as we had to say goodbye to our colleague Jade Sims and welcomed Carlotta Gmachl. The newsletter will also update you on our newly launched Research Spotlights, the Global Business Club, and event highlights from this year’s exceptional AIB Conference. Finally, the newsletter highlights the success of a couple of our very own students who received the 2021 AWESOME Excellence in Education Scholarship.

In closing, I am hopeful and excited to be back on campus starting August 15th and looking forward to meeting you in person. As always, we appreciate your support and cooperation!

Ahmet H. Kirca, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of International Business and Marketing

Director of the International Business Center and MSU-CIBER


Research Spotlights by IBC/MSU CIBER

Save the Date: Research Spotlight – On Tuesday, September 7th, MSU and Texas A&M CIBERS will collaborate on a webinar focused on cultural distance. Three panelists who recently published within the field will discuss contemporary conceptual and methodological best practices for using cultural distance in international marketing/business research. The event will be co-hosted by Dr. Ahmet Kirca, MSU, and Dr. David Griffith, Texas A&M university. You may register for the event here.

The Academy of International Business


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AIB 2021

We would like to congratulate Tunga Kiyak, Executive Director of AIB, and his team for an outstanding 2021 Academy of International Business Conference. This year, the conference attracted 1,254 participants (third highest) from 64 countries (highest ever). There were 276 total session including 62 panels; 50 developmental sessions; 18 social events; 22 preconference workshops and 505 papers presented! Whew… More information about the conference can be accessed here:


The AIB Northeast Chapter will hold its conference in-person from Oct 15-16, 2021, at the Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT. For conference information and CFP, please visit AIB Northeast Chapter

AIB Information

Global Business Club Highlights

Turkey and Central Eurasia: On June 2, 2021, GBC hosted an event on “Turkey and Central Eurasia”. This panel was the first in a series of inquiries sponsored by several MSU centers and programs into “The Geopolitics and Economics of Central Eurasia and its Neighbors.” Details of the event can be found here


Africa-China-U.S. Triangle: On May 3rd, 2021, GBC hosted an event on China’s rapid growth and its expansion on investment and influence around the world. A panel explored the implications for Africa and what this means for U.S. businesses and foreign economic policy moving forward. To view more information.


To view information on both of these programs go to: Global Business Club Past Events

Staff Announcements:

Farewell to Jade Sims – As most of you have already heard, Jade Sims accepted a new role to serve as a Commercial Officer at the U.S. Trade Administration. Jade’s first appointment will be Beijing, China, where she will help U.S. companies with their trade and export needs. We would like to thank Jade for her exceptional years of service and wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors.


Welcome new staff member – We would like to welcome Carlotta Gmachl to the IBC team who recently took over the role as Assistant Director of International Trade Programs. Carlotta has worked in the international governmental, trade and export, and business relations field since 2016.
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Her experience has allowed her to work both nationally and internationally specifically, throughout the U.S. & China. Carlotta grew up in Salzburg, Austria and is still an Austrian citizen. She holds a degree in International Relations with minors in International Business and Chinese from the American University in Washington D.C. and is currently completing her Master of Business Administration at Central Michigan University.

In her new role, Gmachl will work as an academic outreach specialist where she will lead the Global Business Club, work with community colleges and minority serving institutions, be the person of contact for external stakeholders and various other trade related projects. Prior to her role, Gmachl was a Manager of Business Attraction and Trade at the Detroit Regional Partnership.


Tribute to Beverly Wilkins –

We are sad to announce the passing of our dear friend and former coworker, Beverly Wilkins. Beverly joined the staff at MSU in 1960 and spent her entire career in the Business College where she “officially” retired in 2006 but stayed on in a temp/on-call position until September of 2011.  Former Directors of the IBC, Tamer Cavusgil and Tomas Hult were quoted:

“Beverly was a very special person – a highly competent colleague, a caring, and compassionate person, a very loyal lifetime-MSU employee. She was a ‘classy’ lady with a flair, and a highly independent. She spent many years in the dean’s office educating successive deans. She came to the IBC and quickly established herself as an indispensable person and I believe she felt at home in our group and enjoyed her work. She took notes in shorthand! She loved her cars and was a big fan of Tom Izzo and MSU basketball. She will be missed by many!”  – Tamer Cavusgil

“Beverly clearly had an impact in the college and the IBC. She was a great voice of reason, institutional memory, and a superb friend.” – Tomas Hult


2021 AWESOME Excellence in Education Scholarship

Congratulations to our very own students Mallory Johnson and Courtney Palkowski wo received this years’ 2021 AWESOME (Women’s Excellence in Supply Chain Operations, Management, and Education) award. Johnson and Palkowski were among the 20 recipients – the largest cohort to date. The full article can be found here.


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