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Governor Whitmer Signs Bipartisan Legislation to Help Small Businesses, Homeowners

Header 2021

LANSING, Mich. – Governor Whitmer today signed legislation to help small businesses and other legislation to help homeowners. To date, Governor Whitmer has signed over 780 bipartisan bills into law.

Chiropractor Practices  

Together, House Bill 5295 and 5296 would allow licensed chiropractors to form a professional limited liability company or a professional corporation with other medical professionals, enabling chiropractors to grow their practices.  

House Bill 5295 was introduced by Rep. Roger Hauck, R – Union Township, House Bill 5296 was introduced by Rep. Kevin Hertel, D – St. Clair Shores, and copies can be found here and here 

Commercial Fishing Regulations 

Senate Bill 251 would revise commercial fishing regulations to increase the depth at which certain nets can be set, change the dates during which whitefish can be fished, and allow a designee of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to examine fish for scientific purposes.  

Senate Bill 251 was introduced by Sen. Ed McBroom, R – Vulcan, and a copy can be found here 

Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act  

House Bill 4242 would update permit requirements for the exportation of minnows, wigglers, and crayfish from Michigan.  

House Bill 4242 was introduced by Rep. Julie Alexander, R – Hanover, and a copy can be found here. 

Mobile Home Commission Act  

House Bill 5449 would establish a process for owners of mobile homes who have lost or never received the certificate of title to secure a title through the Secretary of State.  

House Bill 5449 was introduced by Rep. TC Clements, R – Bedford Township, and a copy can be found here. 



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